Kluber Oil for Air compressors

Kluber Oil for Air compressors
  • Compressors are expected to function for long service intervals without maintenance. It is essential to select the right lubricating oil for the compressed medium, which can be air, process gas or a refrigerant. Our Klüber Summit product range is proven for compressors of all types. They minimise wear and extend service intervals for higher compressor availability.

  • Our oil offers a lot of benefits when compared to the mineral oil and other competitor’s synthetic oil, as mentioned below
  • Reduced down time costs
  • Increased Compressor availability
  • Reduced spare parts costs for oil, filters and separators
  • Less strain on environment and resources due to lower energy consumption and lower disposal quantities
  • Reduces friction in the compressor and offers a better gap sealing effect
  • Low pour points
  • Longer oil life
  • Improved oxidation protection
  • Reduced power consumption
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